Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Happiness at Work: A Myth to Be Punctured?


Happiness at Work: A Myth to Be Punctured?

Listen and complete the missing information:
1. The study concludes that the happier people are at work, the better ____________________
2. When Ms. KELLAWAY kept a workplace diary of your thoughts for a week, she found out that on Monday she felt _____________________ whereas on Tuesday she felt_____________________________
3. When she looked back at her work she realized her work wasn't that great and it was that she was feeling ___________________ she judged it well.
4. When she looked back at what I'd written the previous day, which she considered one of her less happy days at work , she thought it __________________

- grumpy-unhappy and bad-tempered;
- grim- hash, repellent
- doggedly- persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious
-angst-a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish.

1. their performance is.
2. sort of great and that I felt pretty good about her work
a little bit tired, grumpy, felt terrible about her work.
3.on the days when I felt happy, her work wasn't actually that great. It was because she was feeling complacent, she judged it well.
4.thought it was rather good.

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